Defining Happiness.

Defining Happiness.

Happiness. A word that we are surrounded by all day, everyday. What is happiness? How can happiness be found? Will this bring me happiness?

Just like you and me, happiness is different and unique for each and every single person. If it’s something that’s different for everyone, how can it ever be truly defined? How can one person write with a pen and paper the definition of happiness?

As you grow up, life obviously gets more complicated. You start to be surrounded by your peers opinions, social media, etc. A lot of these things can influence your happiness because it can lead you to always over thinking just about everything. You get a new watch, but of course you compare it to Becky’s new watch which might have gotten a little more “likes” than yours. You get a new job, but of course you compare the salary to Tim’s salary. Nobody is ever, well, content with what they have or what they receive, which can be a horrible factor when it comes to truly just being happy.

A new cell phone or Apple Watch comes out, everyone raves about it and aims to get one. But at the end of the day in these types of situations, do you truly want the Apple Watch or are you just wanting it because everyone else wants it?

Of course I don’t consider myself worthy enough to sit here and define a word that I believe can only be defined yourself. But as a woman in my mid 20s, I have experienced things that made me realize only I can define happiness. It’s something that only you can define and is truly something you will never achieve if you let someone else define it for you.

With all of the influences of the world, we are surrounded by the opinions of others which could have a negative influence on what your heart is set on.

If you want to wear a dress that Debbie thinks is ugly, WEAR IT. If you want to cut your hair even though Shannon says she would never, CUT IT. If you want to play the violin even though Ricky said only losers play, PLAY.

At the end of the day, it’s you that matters. It’s you that has to lay down in your bed all tucked in with all of your thoughts racing through your head. You’re the only one that truly knows what you are thinking, so utilize that power. Utilize it to say yes to what you want and no to what you don’t.

If you love your actions, follow your heart, and never let the influence of others make YOUR choices, then you just might be on the path of defining happiness for YOURSELF. And while you’re at it, let others seek their definition of happiness. Let others live the life that they want to without any judgements, because who are we to judge anyways?

So go live your one life to the fullest, love as much as you can, and smile so big that you feel like your cheeks are going to pop!